Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Law of Love

Humanity is under attack, from within. But we will SURVIVE. We will survive because we will tune ourselves from destruction to construction.Construction, because we will not leave our kids a legacy of grudge and hatred, we have learnt. We have learnt from the crop of this legacy. We are all under attack, in our beliefs, religions, races. We all fear extinction, displacement, poverty. We victimize ourselves constantly and in that we find an excuse to propagate hatred and create wars that will ultimately lead to our extinction as a human race. We are very confused and we consume, consume, convincing ourselves that this is what makes us happy, a short-lived happiness that would require more consumption, consumption, to survive. But now we know that this is not the happiness potion. We know that turning our eyes from the suffering, starvation, injustice and wars will not make them disappear and stress-consumption will not bring us the stable happiness we long for. We have diagnosed our problem and will treat the fundamental cause not the symptoms. We will forgive because we acknowledge the right of every being to seek their happiness in the way they know. But we will enlighten when we can the misguided and we will criticize to construct and never to harm. We will never use primitive jungle methods to attain our goal.We will not be confused anymore because we have a goal. Our goal is clear, peace and the end will not justify the means. No, it is not a dream but then again weren't all the greatest things ever done only dreams that started with someone believing in them. It all starts with a dream, an idea, you speak it out then it can either become an action or just go flying away if you don't hold on to it. We will smile, we will be the cause of a smile back that will cause another smile, an action a reaction. A chain of positive actions- reactions. We will enjoy our lives, this is your life right now it’s not yesterday not tomorrow but now as you read this sentence this could be the last thing you do enjoy it! We will be happy today we will ignore the negativities within us and around us, we will not let them feed on us until they despair and disintegrate. We will celebrate positivity and we will never again feel the guilt of bringing kids into this world. You and me, we will change the world. "We're one but we're not the same we got to carry each other, one love one life."


Blogger Laila K said...


7:46 AM  
Blogger Laila K said...

:) i love the pic
by the way ur site is now on lbf as a "new addition"

2:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i love this post.. very hopeful..

9:25 PM  

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