Sunday, January 14, 2007


What time will I go to sleep tonight oh mighty neighbor of mine? In your hands lie the time, duration and quality of rest I get every night . What language do you understand if not the tamed civilized dialect, the blunt say-it-as it-is, the primitive hand gesture tap on the wall, for hell I even tried the indirect tell the landlord but nothing gets to you! How dare you violate my sleep, steal away my dreams, suck away my energy you monstrous vampire do you ever sleep? I will continue reading “why the Buddha is smiling” while you exorcise sleep out of me but it will no longer affect me I will be looking at you from my place of stillness until you disintegrate and your dominating power shatters to submission in face of my indifference because yes today, I will finally buy some earplugs.

Always choose your battles and when you’ve wasted your energy on a problem so minor in your great scheme of things, don’t fight anymore, just plug your ears and move forward.